$10.00 per person
Saturday, October 5th, one of our most popular events will be returning! The scenic drive to Huber Farm, Orchard and Winery in Starlight, Indiana. We will begin with an 8:30 AM Driver’s Meeting at the Brown County Inn in Nashville,IN, followed by a buffet brunch. The driving tour will begin after brunch. The weather is usually perfect, the fall scenery breathtaking, and the roads are some of the best in Southern Indiana. The route will commence with a leisurely drive down winding Ind.135 South to Salem then on to Ind. 60 East to Borden and then some winding, hilly back roads to the Huber Farm, Orchard and Winery.
Expect some new surprises on and along the route this year!!!
Upon arrival, there will be a large, grassy, sloped area for us to park (leave your car in gear with the parking brake on!). Members of the Kentucky and Southern Indiana Regions are always invited and join us for the day at Huber’s.
The brunch at Brown County Inn starts at 9:00 AM, so plan to arrive in Nashville before 8:30 AM for the Driver’s Meeting. Then plan to arrive at Huber’s by 2:00 PM for door prize drawings!
Enroll for this event on CIRPCA website. The cost for the brunch will be $10.00 plus 18% gratuity per person and will be paid to the Brown County Inn that day.
Rob Fike, Tour Chairman
(317) 727-9333
[email protected]
Brown County Inn
Huber Orchard and Winery
31 people are attending Huber Winery Tour
31 people are attending Huber Winery Tour