Your CIR Team

Your CIR Team
Mike Kelley
Welcome to the Central Indiana Region of the Porsche Club of America! 

I look forward to leading the club for the next two years. I am passionate about Porsches and have been a gear head my entire life. We have a strong and experienced board of directors. It will be a pleasure to work with this team and continue the growth of the club. Please feel free to reach out to me directly for any questions, ideas or concerns.

As we move forward in 2024 one focus of the board is to expand activities and improve participation of the club members. Please look at the large number of activities that are being entered in the club calendar. We are quickly approaching the ability to do a Porsche-related event multiple weekends of each month. A shout out to Will Anthony and Don Perkins for taking an active leadership role in this area.

Club member participation is one area that is going to require a “Village” approach. Membership in CIR stands at over 800. However, active members stand at about 100. Please reach out to members that you know and make sure they are aware of the activities that have been planned.

I look forward to meeting each one of you at activities throughout the year.

All the Best,

Mike Kelley
President, CIR PCA

For any questions, suggestions or comments please send our president a message.

People that make our club work

CIR Executive Board

Mike Kelley
Larry Clarino
Anthony Smith
Russ Bell
Will Anthony
Membership Chairperson
Don Perkins
Activities Chairperson
Pete Walker
HPDE Chairperson, Past President

CIR At-Large Board Members (Appointed)

Pam Clarino
CIRcular Co-Editor
Ryan Milton
Voting Member
Randy Faunce
Voting Member

CIR At-Large Board Members (Non-Voting)

Bob Snider
Historical Advisor
Dave Stetson
Zone 4 Representative


Last Updated: 6/29/2024