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the volunteer members of the
Central Indiana Region Porsche Club of America
are most pleased to present our annual
Emergency Car Control Clinic for Young Drivers
officially known as
Whereas the need exists to provide emergency situation car control drills and classroom discussion, a portion of curriculum missing from traditional rules-of-the-road / basic vehicle operation driver education, and
Whereas our Porsche Club has a most excellent pool of experienced driving instructors and coaches who are very willing to voluntarily share their expertise, and
Whereas the all volunteer members of our Central Indiana Region Porsche Club of America truly care about our community and the safety of all drivers
We resolve to share our learned skills in car control with any and all young drivers who desire to enhance their own emergency driving skills, by establishing a Street Survival Committee, organizing and hosting car control clinics that focus on behind-the-wheel experience with associated (modest) classroom sessions to assist the learning process
While the preceding is not an official board-derived declaration, it IS an accurate distillation of the motivation behind our volunteer club’s annual hosting of Street Survival / Teen Emergency Car Control Clinics in the Indianapolis area since 2010.
• Driving along a highway (at highway speed) and the pickup truck in front of you hits a bump and drops a big block of something off its tailgate! How do you SAFELY avoid it?
We teach that! (emergency lane change drill)
• Driving along a county road after a local heavy rain – the sun has dried the pavement – you’re heading into a grove of trees, where the road curves and the gentle breeze has been blowing the raindrops off the leaves onto the road (still quite wet) – you car begins a slide (front end or rear) – how do you SAFELY recover?
We teach that (skid pad and figure-8)
• Cruising on the highway, somewhat mindlessly following the license plate of the car just ahead of your front bumper – brake lights start lighting up 4 – 5 cars ahead – what do you do (since you’re still looking at that plate just a few feet ahead)?
We teach that, too! (slalom – all about keeping eyes UP)
There’s far more to the program – these are but key examples of the skills covered in this single day event. Do you know a young driver (age 16-21 with license {not learner’s permit})? Sign them up!
Want to participate / coach / volunteer? Let me know!
THIS year (2017), our school is on Sunday, May 21, 8a – 3p-ish
students and parents, please arrive by 7:30a – volunteers / coaches, the earlier, the better (I’ll be there at 6a, unloading the truck-full of cones, drinks, printed materials, etc.)
at Franklin Central High School / 6215 S Franklin Road, INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46239
Indiana Farmer’s Mutual Insurance has sponsored any and all Street Survival schools hosted in the state for several years now. In 2016, they decided to produce a promotional video of a school to post to their web site and use to demonstrate the corporate caring they are known for. They chose our Porsche Club school for some reason – here is the result:
Also this year, we’ll host a Street Survival in WESTFIELD at Grand Park on Sunday, Oct 1st! We hosted a school at this location this past October, and once again were selected (for an unknown reason) to be filmed to produce a video by the fine folks at Tire Rack, the title sponsor of Street Survival since inception! Video clip: https://vimeo.com/188714543
Registration for these car control clinics ($75 to Street Survival), along with answers to many F.A.Q.’s, is on-line at www.StreetSurvival.org
Here is a link to the brief introductory video created upon Porsche Club of America’s request to become the national Street Survival volunteer liaison (late 2014 – you can speed-scroll through the first 50 seconds as it simply introduces that new position holder – the rest is all about the school): https://vimeo.com/121038165
If you have soloed at our (or any) Performance Driver Education school and would like to learn more about being an in-car coach, you need to visit here: http://streetsurvival.org/schools/become-a-coach
Thank You!
Randy Faunce, CIR PCA member since ’92
Street Survival co-Chair with PCA member Larry Clarino
Example of the drills, as set up on the FCHS campus.