The Central Indiana Region Porsche Club of America has existed since 1961. Through all of these years, the club owes its very existence to volunteers. Volunteer organizers for every club event: driver education, breakfasts, dinners, banquets, philanthropic and so on. The volunteers for each event were organized by a committee chairperson. The chairperson reported to the club president. Sometimes the chairperson was the president. All club officers reported to the president. The president was also responsible for the financial health of the club. It requires a vast amount of time and energy of a volunteer president.
The Central Indiana Region has been extremely fortunate to have a history of generous volunteer presidents.
Year Served and President Name:
- 2023 Pete Walker
- 2022 Pete Walker
- 2021 Rob Fike
- 2020 Rob Fike
- 2019 Rebecca Pinto
- 2018 Rebecca Pinto
- 2017 Bruce Fleischmann
- 2016 Bruce Fleischmann
- 2015 Bob Snider
- 2014 Bob Snider
- 2013 Rob Fike
- 2012 Rob Fike
- 2011 Don Shuck
- 2010 Don Shuck
- 2009 Larry Haskett
- 2008 Tom Brentlinger
- 2007 Tom Brentlinger
- 2006 Damon Beals
- 2005 Damon Beals
- 2004 Pete Simpson
- 2003 Pete Simpson
- 2002 Matt Nemcek
- 2001 Matt Nemcek
- 2000 Debbie Wolfe
- 1999 Steve Lynn
- 1998 Harold Crane
- 1997 Harold Crane
- 1996 Jim Brillhart
- 1995 Jim Brillhart
- 1994 Damon Bradtmueller
- 1993 Donald Rowland, Jr.
- 1992 Donald Rowland, Jr.
- 1991 Jack Hollingsworth
- 1990 Mark Haab
- 1989 Mark Haab
- 1988 Mark Thompson
- 1987 Mark Thompson
- 1986 Chuck Langsenkamp
- 1985 Chuck Langsenkamp
- 1984 Luke Campbell
- 1983 Erwin Dollinger
- 1982 John Kissling, Jr.
- 1981 John Kissling, Jr.
- 1980 Steve Priddy
- 1979 Steve Priddy
- 1978 Mike Robbins
- 1977 Ray Neal
- 1976 George Babic
- 1975 Mark Smedley (Elected but moved – did not serve)
- 1974 Eugene Covert
- 1973 Edwin Taylor
- 1972 PhilipAllgood
- 1971 Mike Robbins
- 1970 Mike Robbins
- 1969 Werner Kunack
- 1968 Werner Kunack
- 1967 Georgeanna Tutrow
- 1966 Georgeanna Tutrow
- 1965 James Sandifer
- 1964 John Carmack
- 1963 John Carmack
- 1962 Benny Bowen
- 1961 Mike Robbins
Thank you Ladies and Gentlemen!