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Spring Brake High Performance Driver Education at Putnam Park

April 24, 2020 - April 26, 2020

CIRPCA Spring Brake Driver Education plus PCA National Instructor Program

Join us April 24-26th, 2020 at Putnam Park Road Course in Greencastle, IN!
All makes and models welcome, and PCA membership is NOT required!

Create a free account and register here on ClubRegistration.


The Central Indiana Region of the Porsche Club of America is pleased to announce an exciting 3 day track event at the newly repaved Putnam Park Road Course, in Mt. Meridian, IN, on Friday – Sunday, April 24 – 26, 2020. Saturday and Sunday will be a traditional Driver Ed program, open to drivers of all levels, driving any make of vehicle, from 1st time track drivers thru advanced drivers. Friday will feature open lapping for advanced drivers (those who do not require Instructors) as well as a PCA National Instructor Training program.

The PCA Instructor Training Program on Friday, April 27th is a FREE program and is open to advanced drivers who have an interest in becoming Driving Instructors in our Driver Education program. It features classroom, as well as on track sessions, and will be conducted by a member of PCA National’s Instructor Training group. While this is a PCA program, this event is open to advanced drivers in all makes of cars. It is also not necessary that participants be members of PCA. We anticipate high demand for this program, so plan to sign up early! You do NOT need to pay for Friday so please sign up for Saturday & Sunday 2-day student registration when registering and select the FREE option for Friday PCA Instructor Program (STUDENT).

For those of you who are current Instructors, we will need a group of current Instructors to serve as “mentors” for the Instructor candidates, so please consider signing up. You will be asked to participate in several driving exercises, but generally will be provided hours of open track time on Friday for FREE. Current instructors willing to Mentor should sign up for the 2-day instructor registration, and then select the FREE event option for Friday Instructor Program (MENTOR).

Anyone who would like to attend the PCA Instructor program on Friday, April 27th, as a student or an Instructor mentor, but CANNOT ATTEND THE WEEKEND DE PROGRAM, please contact Mark Westlake ([email protected]) in order to register.

Putnam Park has always been a great track for both novices and advanced drivers, providing a safe and challenging road course! The recently paved surface provides outstanding tire wear and wet weather traction!

Friday, April 26th will be open for any advanced drivers, who have previously driven in either the Instructor, A or B groups with CIRPCA, or other advanced driving groups in other organizations, who do not require an Instructor. We anticipate between 3 – 4 hours of open track time for these advanced drivers. What a great way to enhance your skills, with lots of time on a less crowded track!

As always, our Saturday and Sunday DE event, features lots of track time, along with classroom training, to ensure everyone goes home a better driver. It is open to all licensed drivers, 18 and over, driving any make vehicle. Membership in PCA is not a requirement! Instructors will be provided for all drivers at the beginning or novice levels.

As always, participating vehicles require the completion of a Technical Inspection form by a qualified mechanic (inspected and signed no early than 30 days prior to the event) before presenting the vehicle at the track for final inspection. Final on-site tech inspection will be available on Friday morning at the track, and again Saturday morning at the track. Drivers must bring their completed and signed tech forms to one of the onsite tech inspections. Tech forms are available on the registration website and also on the CIRPCA website by clicking on the Driver Ed icon. More details will be posted at a later time.

NEW PCA REQUIREMENT FOR 2019 – regarding 5 and 6 point harnesses and HANS devices.
New for PCA DE events for 2019, if a car is using 5 or 6 point harnesses, the driver and potentially any instructor or student passenger, must be using an appropriate HANS device and HANS equipped helmet. The Chief Instructor will make sure that instructors assigned to student vehicles with harnesses have the appropriate equipment. If you are signing ups and your vehicle has 5 or 6 point harnesses, please be aware that you will be asked to show your HANS equipment at the onsite tech inspection. In addition, all aftermarket harnesses must be current with their date of manufacture.

Student Registration: Registration is via www.clubregistration.net. Search for Putnam Park events, and the dates of April 24-26. If you are new to Club Registration, you will first need to establish an account (no cost), and create a personal profile, which includes your relevant driving experiences.

Instructor Registration: Anyone registering to instruct must be an approved CIRPCA instructor. Questions here can be directed to the registrar. There may be some time Friday and during the weekend to evaluate and coach advanced drivers that may be interested in instructing in the future. Anyone interested can please reach out to our Chief Driving Instructor – Doug DeArmond at [email protected].

Helmets: Only Snell certified helmets, carrying a 2010 or 2015 sticker, will be allowed. A limited number of rental helmets are available, via the clubregistration website at $65 for the entire weekend.

Garage Rental: a limited number of single bay spaces are available for $150 for the entire weekend. All garages are 1st come, 1st served, and may be reserved via Clubreg. Vehicles can be left in the garage for the weekend and there is power & compressed air available.

Host Hotel:
The host hotel will be the Holiday Inn – Cloverdale. A block of rooms has been reserved and a code provided for a discounted rate at a later date.

Onsite Tech inspection will be available at the track Friday morning.

Cars can be left at the track Friday for the weekend, so if you are attending Saturday and Sunday you can make things easier on yourself by coming Friday before track shutdown and completing your registration and tech inspection!

For further information or questions, please contact us:
CIRPCA Track Chair & Registrar: Mark Westlake email: [email protected]
CIRPCA Chief Driving Instructor: Doug DeArmond email: [email protected]


April 24, 2020
April 26, 2020


Mark Westlake


Putnam Park
5251 S County Rd 550 E
Greencastle, IN 46135 United States
+ Google Map
(317) 559-1500
View Venue Website