Party – Rolex 24 Hours at Daytona
Shake off winter’s cabin fever by joining your CIR friends for a Party to celebrate the start of a new endurance racing season. Jim and Karin Sc

arbrough are once again hosting an open house, at their north side Columbus home, to watch the start of the Rolex 24 Hours of Daytona. The party begins at 2:00pm and runs until 8:00pm. Attendance is free, but please bring a covered dish to share, along with your favorite libation. Feel free to come whenever you can, and enjoy the racing and the camaraderie of your fellow Porsche enthusiasts.
Word has it that the new- GASP- mid-engine Porsche 911 RSR may be in the field! This party is always great fun, all the more so because most of us are really missing driving our sports cars. Even if you’re not ready to get your baby out of the garage yet, it’s still great to talk cars and start thinking about the coming driving season