These are the answers to some of the questions you may have about CIR sponsored Drivers Education.
If you have any more questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
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Why should I attend High Performance Drivers Education?
There are many reasons to participate in Driver Education. A few are to help make each of us more skilled and safer drivers, to provide us with the opportunity to learn about our automobiles, our car control skills, to experience “driving in its purest form” and have a lot of fun doing it.
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Will I hurt my car?
While HPDE events are not racing, accident are possible. However, cars on-track are required to be driven in a manner which will minimize the likelihood of dangerous encounters with other cars. Occasional off-track excursions into the grass are normally controlled stops, with track personnel and on-board instructors supervising a safe re-entry onto the track. Passing among participants is facilitated only within defined “passing zones”, and then only with clear hand signals and instructor confirmation.
HPDEs encourage participants to drive within their ability and improve their car-control skills with each event. Instructors and staff evaluate each student’s progress throughout the weekend, and make recommendations on the student’s advancement through successively higher skilled driver groups. It is extremely important for Novice drivers to learn the basic safety measures of the sport first such as the blend line, flags, corner worker functions etc. It is also important to start by mastering basic car control skills and the basic racing line first and not worrying about how fast you are going. Speed, “safe speed” is developed by “learning” how to drive and understanding the proper racing line first. The truly fast driver is safe and competent. High Horsepower does NOT make you a fast driver. It only makes you a driver with a fast car.
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Can I drive a convertible?
Convertibles are allowed if it is installed with a factory roll over protection that meets FMVSS (Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard) 216. For these cars, the soft top must be in the up position or the hard top installed.
If a car does not have factory installed roll over protection, a roll bar must be installed, which meets the “broomstick” rule (the driver’s helmeted head is below a bar placed on top of the roll bar and windshield). If installed, roll bars or cages and their installation must meet PCA Club Racing standards. All targa tops must be installed unless there is addition roll over protection. All sunroofs must be in the closed position. The windshield alone is not considered to be factory roll over protection. (from PCA minimum standards).
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What are the minimum requirements for registration?
You must be 18 years of age and show proof of a valid US-issued driver’s license upon registration at the track.
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How do I register?
- Click the link on the CIR DE webpage.
- Create an account on
- Select the CIRPCA DE from the list of events.
- Follow the instructions to register for the CIRPCA DE.
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What is is a third party event registration website service which CIR uses to manage our DE event participation.
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Can I register for Friday, Saturday, and Sunday?
Friday lapping is reserved for instructors and A & B run group drivers. C & D run group drivers should register for Saturday and Sunday only.
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Can I register for a single day?
Yes, with the following caveats:
- Instructors may only register for the entire event
- A & B drivers may register for either Saturday or Sunday
- C & D drivers may register for Saturday only, but not for Sunday only
- Cost for 1 day is listed on the event webpage.
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Are refunds given in the event of bad weather?
No. Events are run rain or shine.
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Are CIR DE events open to other car besides Porsches or non-PCA members?
CIR DE events are open to anyone who meets the minimum requirements.
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I don’t have a helmet. Can I borrow or rent one?
CIRPCA has a limited number of rental helmets available. Cost is listed on the event website. Helmets may be reserved via CIRPCA does not arrange for helmets to be borrowed, but you may do so on your own. Of course, all helmets must meet CIRPCA requirements.
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What type of helmet is required?
Helmets must carry a SNELL SA2015 or SA2020 certification. The SNELL mark is usually located under the lining, at the back of the helmet. Be sure to check before you arrive at the track! Motorcycle helmets with the same Snell certification are also approved.
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Are car numbers provided?
No. You must provide your own car number. Numbers should be at least 8 inches tall and of contrasting color. No vehicle will be allowed on track without a Group sticker and car number. Masking tape is acceptable to create numbers but will not be available at tech inspection.
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How do I know what run group to register for?
When you register you will be asked to provide information about your vehicle and your track experience. The CIR DE staff will, based upon the information you provide, determine your run group assignment.
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What is the difference between run groups?
- Run Group A is for very experienced drivers in higher performance cars.
- Group B is for experienced drivers new to Putnam Park or driving medium performance cars.
- Group C is for student drivers with some experience.
- Group D is for student drivers with little or no experience.
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How are instructors assigned?
Instructors are assigned based upon your experience level and the type of vehicle you will be driving. An effort is made to place instructors and students together who drive similar types of vehicles, i.e. front engine/rear drive, rear engine/rear drive, etc.
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I want to register as an instructor. Why can’t I?
If you feel you have the necessary experience and qualifications to instruct, please contact the chief instructor before registering.
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Are instructors from other PCA regions or car clubs permitted?
Yes. We accept qualified instructors from any PCA region or other car club.
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How do I become a CIR instructor?
The short answer is to accumulate a lot of track miles. During your DE weekend, ask any instructor how they became one.
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Do I need to have my car inspected before the event?
A Technical Inspection Form and Release must be completed prior to participating in on track activities. This document consists of three sections:
- A mechanical pre-inspection checklist to be completed and signed by a qualified mechanic PRIOR to arrival at the event.
- A CIRPCA technical inspection checklist to be completed at the event technical inspection.
- A technical inspection release and acknowledgement, to be signed by you and the CIR technical inspector at the event.
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My car is completely stock. Is that acceptable?
Yes. Any vehicle that passes the required technical and safety inspections is acceptable.
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How much track time will I get?
Typically each run group gets 4 sessions of 25 minutes each per day.
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Is classroom instruction included?
Yes. Classroom instruction/discussion sessions are included and are an important part of the program. You will receive high quality instruction in high performance driving and vehicle dynamics and have the opportunity to discuss aspects of high performance driving with plenty of time for questions and answers. This is an excellent time to learn more about your car’s capabilities and enhance your driving skills.
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What type of clothing should I wear?
You should wear clothing that is comfortable and well fitting. LONG PANTS ARE MANDATORY while driving. Please wear 100% cotton. No nylon jackets while in the car. Choose a good sneaker or street shoe with a thin flat rubber or crepe sole. Leather shoes are preferred. Driving in short pants, sandals, bulky or loose fitting footwear or bare feet is prohibited. Driving gloves are optional, but recommended because they may help if your steering wheel is slippery and your palms wet, especially for non-leather steering wheels.
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Do I have to sign a liability waiver?
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Can I obtain car insurance for a dedicated track event?
Don’t assume that your standard insurance coverage will cover you in the event of an accident at a Driver Education event. Most standard insurance will not cover you if you are in an accident during a DE. Because of this, PCA has entered into an association with Lockton Affinity who has created a Driver Education insurance program specifically tailored for our members. In addition to providing this coverage, Lockton has agreed to offer exclusively to PCA members a 10 percent discount on HPDE insurance premiums. Non PCA members can still receive coverage without the discount.
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I will need a place to stay for the night. What hotel accommodations are available?
The Event headquarters is typically a nearby hotel that also has rooms available at a special Central Indiana Porsche Club room rate. Early event tech inspection and registration is normally held Friday evening from 6-9pm along with a welcome reception. Check the CIRPCA DE web page for information about the specific event. We’ll also typically having a special dinner on Saturday evening.
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What should I bring with me to the track?
- Pre-Event Tech Inspection Form—filled in and signed by your mechanic. If you don’t have the completed form with you, you won’t be allowed on the track.
- Helmet—an approved helmet (Snell SA05 or newer rating).
- Gas— to save time, you should fill up on the way. Gas is available at a service station near the track.
- Refreshments—bring water, fruit juice or soft drinks in a cooler. Lunch can be purchased at the track, but you may prefer to bring your own.
- Appropriate clothing.
- Sunscreen lotion—there is not much shade in the paddock area. A baseball cap or brimmed hat is also recommended to protect you from the sun when you are not in the car.
- Boxes and waterproof covering for your gear.
- Glass cleaner and paper towels to clean your windows.
- A tire pressure gauge.
- Brake fluid (DOT 4).
- Extra motor oil.
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