
CIR Philanthropies

The Central Indiana Region of PCA has a long history of charitable and community service activities. In 2016 alone the CIR Hosted CruZionsville and 2 Teen Street Survival. With Randy Faunce as the Chair, we trained approximately 55 teen drivers to more effectively avoid accidents while driving. In addition to Teen Street Survival, CIR contributes approximately 10% of the funds above $50,000 (a figure that represents our minimal operating capital) to charity each year. The beneficiaries of these monies for 2016 included the Alzheimer’s Association of Central Indiana, the Little Sisters of the Poor ($2,000), and the Peyton Manning Hospital for Children ($2,000). In 2019, the CIR gave to the Speedway Animal Rescue ($2,500).

CruZionsville CruZionsville is the brain-child of CIR member Steve Tarr. Steve first proposed the concept of this community Porsche event in 2011 and it has grown exponentially from its modest beginnings. It would be impossible to count the hours, weeks, and months of effort that Steve, his wife Alice, and the members of his volunteer “army” have devoted to making CruZionsville one of the largest events of its kind in the Midwest. The money raised goes to the Alzheimer’s Organization.  It raised $22,000 in 2017 and since 2011 it has contributed more than $125,000 to the Alzheimer Fund!
Street Survival The Central Indiana Region and the Street Survival Foundation with Randy Faunce join together to give safety driving instructions to teen drivers.
Bowl for Kids’ Sake –
Big Brothers, Big Sisters
The Central Indiana Region and Debbie Groulik sponsored this event to raise money at this event.  Bowlers were team captains, team member non-club members and friends.
Little Sisters of the Poor The Central Indiana Region and Debbie Groulik sponsored this event to raise money for this entity.
Peyton Manning Hospital for Children The Central Indiana Region and Debbie Groulik sponsored this event to raise money for this entity.
Indiana Children’s Wish Fund The CIR and David Weaver sponsored a car show at Rick’s Boatyard benefiting the Indiana Children’s Wish Fund.
Adopt-A-Highway The Central Indiana Region with David Weaver adopted the U.S. 31 highway between 96th and 116th streets. Each year the CIR removes tons of trash from the environment along this highway.
Speedway Animal Rescue The Central Indiana Region with David Weaver made a monetary contribution to this thirteen year old animal rescue.
Support Our Indiana National Guard The Central Indiana Region with James Legault contributed to and participated in supporting a cause started and organized by Diane Spaulding to ensure that each and every of the more than 600 deployed soldiers receives a Christmas stocking. Each stocking is handmade by the Indiana Sewing Guild. The stockings are filled with candy, trail mix, jerky, and other goodies (the soldiers can’t get enough of that stuff!) collected by several local 5th grade classes as their annual service project. The kids also make a Christmas card for each soldier and decorate the mailing boxes that the stockings are shipped in.