CIRcular is the award-winning quarterly newsletter of the Central Indiana Region (CIR) of the Porsche Club of America (PCA). Advertising with the CIR will give your products and services access to more than 1,200 local members and friends of the CIR. The CIRcular is more of a magazine than ‘just’ a club newsletter.
The Porsche Club of America is the largest single marque car club in the world. More than half have been club members for more than five years. 81% are college educated. 74% earn more $100,000 per year.
The Central Indiana Region encompasses most of the State of Indiana, including all of the Indianapolis metropolitan area. If this fits your target demographic, think about advertising with the CIRcular.
Ad placement is $1000 for a full page for a year, four-issues, and includes a link to your website from our CIR website.
A half-page ad is $650 page for a year, four-issues, and also includes a link to your website from our CIR website home page.
For more information on the CIRcular and other sponsorship opportunities contact Larry Clarino using our Contact Us page.